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Our schools are safe and secure places for learning. We watch out for our students, teach them about personal safety, and make sure our facilities are safe. Together with parents and the community, we create an environment that promotes learning, good citizenship, friendship, and fun.

  • Notify the school if your child will be absent or late. We monitor attendance. We want to ensure your child arrives at school safely.
  • Be sure the school has an updated emergency number in the event that your child is injured or becomes ill at school.
  • As your child's first teacher, you will be the most important person to model and discuss  safe behavior in regard to walking, taking the bus or driving to school.
  • Be clear with your child about expectations for their whereabouts during breaks, spares, the importance of attending Flex Time and lunch.

For safety's sake, be informed! Become familiar with:

  • the names of teachers who will be working with your child
  • the school procedures regarding care of outer clothing, footware, field trips, fees and supplies
  • the school calendar - identify holidays and special events
  • the school timetable - starting and dismissal times
  • the school's emergency procedures